We have reached to the level of first five players in 2016 Turkish Online Backgammon Championship. Nevzat Doğan (top left in photo) leads with one loss. Second place is shared by Zafer Taş (bottom left), Ömer Kukul (top right), Emrullah Çoşar (bottom right) and Uğur İlhami Özden (middle) with two losses each. Standings at the beginning of this round and matches of the new round are shown below:
First match of 13th round is between Ömer Kukul (Kukul) and Emrullah Çoşar (Emco2008) on September 23 Eylül at 21:00 Turkish time to be played on EBIF-TIGER. Other match of this round is between Nevzat Doğan (nevzatdogan) and Zafer Taş (FENOMEN) to be played until September 25. Uğur İlhami Özden (uilhami) got a bye. After eliminating players with three losses we will come down to four or five players in the next round. Standings, results and all match schedules can be followed by clicking these links. We wish good matches to all our players.
Our special thanks goes to Amaç Volkan Er, Fatih Öziş, Taner Uçarer and Ümit Bata for their competitiveness and success in completing TOT2016 among top nine. Below you can all eXtremeGammon match analyses of 12th round:
Fatih Öziş (2ble6ix) – Nevzat Doğan (nevzatdogan)
Taner Uçarer (tomsawyer) – Emrullah Çoşar (Emco2008)
Uğur İlhami Özden (Uilhami) – Ümit Bata (Akrep1903)
Zafer Taş (FENOMEN) – Amaç Volkan Er (aver)