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ISTAVDER Proved Good Tournaments Are Repeatable

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Tournaments are best occasions where backgammon attracts attention. A leading Turkish backgammon club ISTAVDER with seven years of experience showed us that good tournaments can be organized when good vision meets with sponsors and hardworking people. 7th Anniversary Tournament was held in a very big room with perfect conditions for execution and playing. Increasing year by year 346 players from 16 different countries was the biggest crowd we have seen lately. Once again we were convinced that with effort and good player base big tournaments can be achievable. We saw that when the tournament gets big, media coverage also gets wide. The tournament also showed that the world of backgammon needs to integrate more. Some big countries of backgammon did not get represented during the tournament.

After the tournament excitement still continues. Head of ISTAVDER group Fuat Erdağ has already plans for next year. Finding more powerful sponsors and spreading backgammon to kids are two big goals for the eighth version. One lesson from this seven years of backgammon journey is that vision and cooperation is worth a lot. We have seen visionary moves from ISTAVDER and now it is time to complete the missing part.

Below are the results of the tournament and some unforgettable moments:

February 20-22, 2015; Istanbul, Turkey

CHAMPIONSHIP (346): 1-Amir Eshraghi (Iran), 2-Cihangir Cetinel (Turkey), 3-Boris Mamporia (Georgia), 4-Salih Yener (Turkey), 5-Irfan Mizrakci (Turkey), 6-Aref Alipour (Iran), 7-Mustafa Altuntas (Turkey), 8-Recep Ali Beyaz (Turkey); 1C-Artur Muradian (Armenia), 2C-Murat Cengiz (Turkey); 1LC-Fatih Bellice (Turkey), 2LC-Deniz Çirpan (Turkey).

7th TURKISH CONSULTATION DOUBLES #1 (64): 1-Boris Mamporia (Georgia) & Sergey Demojan (Armenia), 2-Marcel Geist (Germany) & Rainer Witt (Germany).

SPEEDGAMMON (64): 1-Masayuki Mochizuki (Japan).

SPEEDGAMMON (64): 1-Yalkin Erk (Turkey).

TEAM CHALLENGE (32 Teams): 1-Team Sakura: Lemi Tu-men (Turkey) / Michihito Kageyama (Japan) / Yan Kit Chan (UK).

ONE POINT #1: 1- Deniz Kizilbora (Cyprus).
ONE POINT #2: 1- Vladimer Kharkhela (Georgia).

SUPER JACKPOT #1: (16): Ersin Narman (Turkey).
SUPER JACKPOT #2: (16): Burhan Yilmazer (Turkey).

MINI-JACKPOT #1: (16): Tunç Onan (Turkey).
MINI-JACKPOT #2: (16): Maya Peycheva (Bulgaria).
MINI-JACKPOT #3: (16): Murat Yavuz (Turkey).
MINI-JACKPOT #4: (16): Ali Kurt (Greece).
MINI-JACKPOT #5: (16): Murat Kapikiran (Turkey).

SPECIAL PLAYER AWARDS: Gokay Gulec (Turkey), Kadri Almac (Turkey), Yan Kit Chan (UK), Armin Hedayati (Iran), Aghaba Khalidov (Azerbaijan).


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