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Giants of Backgammon Analysis – Tavla ve Hayat
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Giants of Backgammon Analysis


Since 1993, every two years Giants of Backgammon has been determined by voting of players who participated in international tournaments in Masters category. Giants of Backgammon 2013 voting will continue until December 31. Since there is no objective measuring criteria for backgammon performance in the long run, this voting is important for the backgammon community.

To be able to vote myself, I did an analysis comparing 2013 and 2013 tournament success with 2011 Giants listing. I am publishing summary results of this analysis below. I wish you vote for Giants of Backgammon 2013 and use this information in your own voting. If you like to see the complete analysis you can also download the Excel file of the analysis.

Most striking features of this analysis is that

  • . three Turkish players are in top 32 of tournament performance,
  • . there are 26 giants with 0 tournament points (see the end of the list), and
  • . considering the tournaments of last two years, there are low performing giants among top 32.

I will carefully consider this information before giving my vote. Especially I will consider removing non-active and low performing players from Giants 2011 and put active and high performers in the new list. I had made my 2011 Giants vote similarly.

Youn can simply vote by e-mail. For this, you have to determine your list of 32 players (you should give yourself as the 2nd player) and click Yamin Yamin to fill the form and send your vote by e-mail. You can look at the list of players below or consult hard copy voting document published on Giants of Backgammon page.

Sabri Büyüksoy

2012-2013PointsRank Player 2012-2013Points 2011GiantsRank
1 Matt Cohn-Geier 60 5
2 Masayuki Mochizuki 46 2
3 Victor Ashkenazi 46 52
4 Akiko Yazawa 35
5 Ray Fogerlund 33 16
6 Malcolm Davis 30 21
7 Matvey “Falafel” Natanzon 30 1
8 Michihito Kageyama 30 4
9 Bill Phipps 27
10 Petko Kostadinov 27 20
11 Bob Koca 25 35
12 Neil Kazaross 25 3
13 Sabri Büyüksoy 25
14 Stepan Nuniyants 25 43
15 Justin Nunez 23 61
16 Jeremy Bagai 22 40
17 Ed O’Laughlin 21 18
18 Howard Markowitz 20
19 Alain Babillon 18
20 Alfred Mamlet 18 51
21 Gary Bauer 18
22 Sven-Olav Norén 18
23 Alan Grunwald 17
24 Mike Senkiewicz 17 26
25 Tobias Hellwag 17 19
26 Alvaro Savio 16
27 Carter Mattig 16
28 Erhan Yenisen 16 57
29 Jan Jacobowitz 16
30 Steve Sax 16 10
31 Çaglar Erdogan 15
32 Kenji Shimodaira 15
33 Lars Trabolt 15 12
34 Martin Birkhan 15
35 Najib Salamzy 15
36 Philippe Vouhé 15
37 Raj Jansari 15 38
38 Carlo Melzi 14 46
39 Kazuhiko Yotsushika 14
40 Doug Mayfield 13
41 Dana Nazarian 12
42 Fabio Gullotta 12
43 Kimon Papachristopoulos 12
44 Frank Simon 11
45 Michel Serrero 11
46 Nevzat Dogan 11
47 Thomas Kazemieh 11
48 Arkadiy Tsinis 10
49 Karen Davis 10
50 Konrad Fröschl 10
51 Ricardo Malas 10 60
52 Chris Trencher 9
53 Fuat Erdag 9 55
54 Julian Fetterlein 9 44
55 Michel Lamote 9
56 Nodar Gagua 9
57 Tatsuya Tanaka 9
58 Ted Chee 9
59 Tsuyoshi Minakami 9
60 Alexis Vincent 8
61 Barry Silliman 8
62 Bob Glass 8
63 Conny Eriksson 8
64 Cüneyt Argun Genç 8
65 Fernando Neumark 8
66 Harvey Gillis 8
67 Ian Macfarlane 8
68 Kåre Aronsson 8
69 Phil Simborg 8 62
70 Vincenzo Riceputi 8
71 Bijan Pourat 7
72 Daisuke Katagami 7
73 Fabrizio Lo Surdo 7
74 Giorgos Kleitsas 7
75 Jürgen Orlowski 7 22
76 Konstantin Mitrelis 7
77 Leonid Riskin 7
78 Marcus Wrinch 7
79 Parviz Rokh 7
80 Ralf Jonas 7 15
81 Thomas Myhr 7
82 Tore Fredriksen 7
83 Vyacheslav Pryadkin 7
84 Andy Kindler 6
85 Bill Davis 6
86 Bill Robertie 6 28
87 Cemalettin Yüksel 6
88 Geert Van Der Stricht 6
89 Grant Schneider 6
90 Hisar Uyar 6
91 John Rockwell 6
92 Kemal Erdem 6
93 Maya Peycheva 6
94 Motonori Kunishima 6
95 Nick Mourtos 6
96 Paul Berg 6
97 Peter Blachian 6
98 Rasim Tüfek 6
99 Rod Covlin 6
100 Sergey Erokhin 6
101 Serkan Koç 6
102 Shahab Ghodzi 6
103 Tom Duggan 6
104 Affan Basak 5
105 Avetis Rostomyan 5
106 Ben Friesen 5
107 David Domig 5
108 David Tevdoradze 5
109 David Todd 5
110 Dennis Culpepper 5
111 Dion Hogan 5
112 Donny Lomuto 5
113 Ensio Einola Tero 5
114 Gazi Çelen 5
115 Gür Sakarya 5
116 Ilhan Koç 5
117 Inga Vigh Pedersen 5
118 Jürgen Schettler 5
119 Kenji Nishizawa 5
120 Kit Woolsey 5 8
121 Kiyokazu Nishikawa 5
122 Mahmoud Taha 5
123 Murat Yavuz 5
124 Mustafa Babal 5
125 Peter Wisniewski 5
126 Pia Jeppesen 5
127 Pim van Haastert 5
128 Poem Nishimura 5
129 Rolf Vetsch 5
130 Steve Brown 5
131 Sven Rumcker 5
132 Tage Mellgren 5
133 Thomas Lumper 5
134 Thomas Rönn 5
135 Tilman Söhnchen 5
136 Timur Azizov 5
137 Victor Petersen 5
138 Zafer Tas 5
139 Alex Gerding 4
140 Alireza Sarabi 4
141 Anders Nielander 4
142 Antonio Ortega 4
143 Athanasios Katsios 4
144 Bjornar Kristoffersen 4
145 Bülent Karabulut 4
146 Caner Kalafatoglu 4
147 Cemalettin Yüksel 4
148 Christof Wagener 4
149 Dmitriy Obukhov 4
150 Dorothy Lee 4
151 Dursun Çetin 4
152 Eran Levi 4
153 Franck Stepler 4
154 Frank Raposa 4
155 Gerat Gündogan 4
156 Gökay Güleç 4
157 Gregg Cattanach 4
158 Günther Holzinger 4
159 Hamza Nar 4
160 Hans Kristian “Kedde” Mathiesen 4
161 Herb Roman 4
162 Igor Romashov 4
163 Jeff Acierno 4
164 John Klein 4
165 Julius High 4
166 Junichi Tanaka 4
167 Junko Nakamura 4
168 Kathrine Langjord 4
169 Kensaku Okatani 4
170 Marc Brockmann Olsen 4
171 Marco Tamigi 4
172 Mark Andrus 4
173 Mark Antranikian 4
174 Martin Barkwill 4
175 Michael Edge 4
176 Michael Löfblad 4
177 Mike Ungerleider 4
178 Neville Eber 4
179 Patrick Gibson 4
180 Paul Weaver 4 11
181 Peer Röwer 4
182 Pernille Rosendal 4
183 Peter Carlsson 4
184 Petri Pietilä 4
185 Richard Munitz 4 30
186 Rogier van Gemert 4
187 Rune Færvåg 4
188 Saba Bejanishvili 4
189 Sean Williams 4
190 Shunsuke Hasegawa 4
191 Steve Hast 4
192 Steve Mellen 4
193 Stick Rice 4 6
194 Tabet Tabet 4
195 Thomas Leitner 4
196 Thomas Löw 4
197 Vazgen Matevosyan 4
198 Vladimer Iashvili 4
199 Volker Sonnabend 4
200 Yuji Ogura 4
201 Aleksei Askurava 3
202 Art Grater 3
203 Arut Martirosyan 3
204 Barbaros Erim 3
205 Bill Riles 3
206 Eric Guedj 3
207 Göksel Kilinç 3
208 Håkan Åkerstrand 3
209 Harutyun Martirosyan 3
210 Irfan Mizrakçi 3
211 Jake Jacobs 3 36
212 Joe Russell 3 25
213 Johan Moazed 3
214 John Broomfield 3
215 John O’Hagan 3 13
216 Jose Franco 3
217 Josef Tissona 3
218 Keene Marin 3
219 Lito Frondoso 3
220 Marco Benetti 3
221 Mark Gordon 3
222 Masaharu Shomura 3
223 Michael Abdi 3
224 Michel Hileyan 3
225 Miran Dayi 3
226 Nicolas Déhon 3
227 Nils Baumann 3
228 Odis Chenault 3
229 Ömer Mert Gülaçti 3
230 Roman Korber 3
231 Ron Rubin 3
232 Sina Bigdeli 3
233 Soinguli Amirov 3
234 Tamaz Giorgobiani 3
235 Tim Mabee 3
236 Timo Väätäinen 3
237 Tom Zarrinnam 3
238 Vaidas Budrys 3
239 Volker Wenzlaff 3
240 Yalkin Erk 3
241 Yoichiro Umetsu 3
242 Cheryl Andersen 2
243 Damon Singer 2
244 Dorn Bishop 2
245 Eliot Bean 2
246 Erkan Varli 2
247 Farzin Aarabi 2
248 Gareth Owen 2
249 Gary Margosian 2
250 Giannis Pasialis 2
251 Gus Contos 2
252 Jacob Atie 2
253 Jürgen Hegele 2
254 Mario Sequeira 2 53
255 Masahiko Nasu 2
256 Mike Murton 2
257 Mustafa Biber 2
258 Peter Zacks 2
259 Philip Kazemieh 2
260 Roland Himmelberger 2
261 Saeed Karimi 2
262 Sergey Chertkov 2
263 Thomas Jespersen 2 63
264 Yasuo Mishima 2
265 Ary Nogueira 1
266 Bernard Morel 1
267 Brent Cohen 1
268 David Presser 1
269 Dean Adamian 1
270 Frank Ley 1
271 Helmut Gerdenits 1
272 Heribert Lindner 1
273 Joakim Roggetin 1
274 Larry Liebster 1
275 Markus Kuntaritsch 1
276 Richard Lukas 1
277 Sefik Mancilikcilar 1
278 Sergey Drmoyan 1
279 Serkan Durusu 1
280 Tak Morioka 1
281 Jonah Seewald 0
282 Kari Jokinen 0
283 Rickard Persson 0
Sander Lylloff 0 7
Bob Wachtel 0 9
Nack Ballard 0 14
Gus Jacobsen Hansen 0 17
François Tardieu 0 23
Morten Holm Lassen 0 24
David Wells 0 27
Steen Grønbech 0 29
Fernando Braconi 0 31
Mike Corbett 0 32
Mary Hickey 0 33
Paul Magriel 0 34
Carol Joy Cole 0 37
Karsten Bredahl 0 39
Takumitsu Suzuki 0 41
Othello Itikawa 0 42
Peter Jes Thomsen 0 45
Eli Roymi 0 47
Katja Sophie Spillum 0 48
Joe Sylvester 0 49
Jörgen Granstedt 0 50
Mike Svobodny 0 54
Mads W. Andersen 0 56
Philip Vischjager 0 58
Frank Talbot 0 59
Lorenzo Rinaldo 0 64

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