In Nations Cup 2012, our next match is against Canada. After completing five matches, Turkey and Canada are 9th and 10th places respectively. The matches of this round, which will be completed until November 4, are as follows:
Ali Çetin Belene (shadowtnt) – Patrick St-Laurent (Patso) Oct.27 Sat. 17:00 Turkish time
Erhan Yenişen (depondi) – Claude Landry (littlebeaver) Oct.28 Sun. 23:00 Turkish time
Sabri Büyüksoy (arykanda) – Nick Mourtos (nmourtos) Oct.28 Sun. 22:00 Turkish time
Feza Diyarbekir (FutureDice) – Garry Kallos (cubehead) Nov.1 Thur. 23:00 Turkish time
The tournament results can be followed from http://dubrovnik.apbg.net/. The matches are played on GridGammon server and required membership can be requested by sending an e-mail to support@gridgammon.com.